Thursday, 16 December 2010

Christmas News from L’Arche Manchester Project

Good news! We have a Community Leader
The Porticus Trust recently granted L’Arche Manchester funds for a Community Leader for 2 years and we are pleased to announce our new leader from January 2011. Kevin Coogan currently works for Manchester Social Services as a team manager in Manchester Learning Disability Partnership and is a qualified social worker. He has lived in L’Arche communities in Northern France, India, Liverpool and Jerusalem. He has served on the committee in the Preston community for 9 years and lives in Withington with his wife Heather, who also works for L’Arche UK, and their three children.

Programme of Events for 2011
Our programme of events for people with and without learning disabilities, which include Boogie Nights Discos, Movie sing-a-longs and prayer and reflection events is here and in the post below.  Everyone is welcome. If you know anyone who may want to join in please pass on the details.

'Ramble Through North Lancashire'
Steve Saxton, a keen walker, musician and observer of natural and social history, has produced a fascinating guide book titled 'Ramble through North Lancashire ' to benefit four different charities, one of which is L'Arche Manchester, which retains the full amount of all copies sold by us. Priced at £7.99 per copy and available from the office. It would make a great Christmas present. Steve describes his book as 'not really a guide book, much more a slow travel diary', this book is intended for the armchair traveller but may also inspire the active walker.

L’Arche National Gathering Manchester
Every three years all the communities in the UK send delegates with and without learning disabilities to attend the National Gathering. It is a time when we celebrate our journey as members of a federation of communities together. The next National Gathering will be held in Manchester from July 8th to the 10th at Owen’s Park, Fallowfield. It will include a walk through the city from St. Augustine’s RC Church to the Anglican Cathedral for a celebration on Saturday lunchtime followed by an ambitious July 4th style party in the evening. The cathedral event and party (Saturday 9th July) are open to the public. If you know anyone who would like to attend either event or would like more information please email

Help! – we need a Treasurer
We are looking for a qualified accountant to join our committee of trustees as treasurer. Do you know anyone who may be able to help?  If you do please contact

Supporting L’Arche Manchester
At the heart of our L’Arche project is our commitment to authentic and transforming relationships. All our friends with learning disabilities will be vital to ensuring this vision inspires and directs our work. It is not clear yet what model of support the new community will begin with. Maybe accommodation but possibly day services, outreach support or even advocacy.  However, with the coming cuts, we know that any new service will have to prove its worth, pay its way and will require some significant set-up funding. We also know we will need to move quickly when an opportunity arises. In order to have these choices, we are fundraising for start-up costs. L’Arche is a mixture of gifts, commitment, talent and expertise. If you could support the community this way please complete the form enclosed.

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