Wednesday, 18 April 2012

School boy training error!

Since I was in the Lakes (up by Coniston) I thought that instead of a long run I would try my hand at fell running. How hard can it be?!

(This is me after only 5 miles of the Great North Run in 2007 when I was, by my calculation, 5 years younger. What made me think I can hill run! 6 foot tall and weighing 14 stone.)

Because you know what? Running up hills is really hard! I thought I was in pretty good shape. (I'm running a marathon in a week or two - did I mention?) I thought my lungs would explode. I did about 15 minutes of the gentle bit at the start and thought I was doing smashing but then as you go properly up hill I managed about 50 metres at a time and in between each burst I had to rest for about a minute. I swear I would have been quicker just walking up. Anyway it took me 45 minutes from the Walna Scar car park to the top and about 25 to come down. I think I could be a down hill fell runner. Do they do down hill only runs? But the next day, and the next day, the day after that, and the day after that I have been in such pain. I avoid going up and down stairs, as the old gag goes: 'If I bend down to tie my shoe laces I look around to see if there's anything else I can be doing whilst I'm down there!' I'm not sure my legs will ever get back to normal.

I need a massage (I also need to go out running again, I know) but I want a break first. Fell runners: respect!

Running with Steve Coogan, BAFTA winning actor

Had a great break over Easter but now back with a bump. Less than 2 weeks to go to the Marathon! I spent a few days with the family down in Brighton with my brother and running partner, Steve. We went out for a run along the Brighton coast which is rather pleasantly flat. We just did about 8 miles - just as a tester really. And I find to my shock and horror that he is about as fit as me and - worse - that neither of us is in 4 hour marathon condition. We were able to sustain 8 1/2 minute mile pace for the 8 miles but to sustain it for 26 miles we will need to come down to about 10 min mile pace so I think we just need to stop talking about a 4 hour target and see 4 hours 30 as "success" and then everyone's a winner!

I suppose there have to be advantages to running with Steve Coogan BAFTA winner. But does it mean people will hassle him and slow us down or does it mean we will have to suck our bellies in more and keep the pace up when we feel like slacking a bit? Who knows maybe we'll whizz round in 3 hrs 38 and 37 seconds. ( I think not!)

Sponsorship is not going to well either. 50 quid to date! Both donations from mates! I think I need to put out a few more requests and put a joke or two on the website. See if I can jolly people along.

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Boogie Night on Friday

Wow,what a great night! Loads of people turned up and it was a really good atmosphere.
What I think we have going here is something really special. People came becasue it was a great night out NOT because they felt they "ought to" or to "support the noble cause". No, it was a fun night and that's why we like it. People young and old, disabled and non-disabled had a great night. We had previously thought we would stick to Boogie Nights every 3 months but people were so keen that we are bringing the next one forward so get Friday May 25th in your diaries and see you there!